Friday, August 22, 2008

Potty Training

I guess it was time to start. Beck thinks it is great to pee on the potty and loves to show everyone. He has pretty much potty trained himself. Lucky for me. We have not even tried to conquer the nighttime yet. All in good time. Way to go Beck Boy!


Matt said...

It looks like he's preparing for a platform dive. It's good he's starting now, those Chinese are pretty tough in that event.

BigBen said...

I enjoy the previous comment. You are very lucky. I wouldn't put any pull-ups on him and night. If he's pretty much potty trained he probably will go the whole night dry! Wow! Congrats!

Becky said...

Way to go Beckham! What a biggy! Jess, I'll need you to come train Benny in about a year.