My friend Chelsea, has a darling little 2 year old niece who was recently diagnosed with High-Risk stage 4 Neuroblastoma cancer. She needs many many prayers. Please look at this blog and remember Clara!
You will instantly fall in love with this beautiful little girl. She actually remind me a lot of our Ruby . Clara and her family have inspired me as a Mother to never take my children for granted. Also to have Faith. She has taught me to have more patience and love. This little 2 year old stranger, has given my boys a better understanding of prayer and service. Last night Jon was saying our family prayer. He blessed all those who are in need. After the prayer Beck ran to my side and told me that Dad forgot to bless Clara. I thought that experience was so precious. That Beck would have a desire to pray for a little girl that he does not even know. All because he knew she was very sick and needed our prayers.
Pray for Clara.
I took this picture off of her blog. She is staring at the outside world through her hospital window.
There is more to the story. About 20 minutes before this happened, we were looking at Beck's magnets on his magnet board. There is one little magnet with a picture of Ira when he was about 1. Beck asked me who it was and I told him Ira. He said, "no, that isn't Ira...maybe it is Clara." I asked him who Clara is and he said, "it is this little girl who is sick in the hospital."
Thanks for Posting that Jess. Such a beautfiul little girl. I can't imagine having a child go through cancer and treatments after knowing first hand how it is. Please tell your friend that I am praying for her and her family and if there is anything I can do to let me know. Miss you guys!
I can't even imagine the heartache that family is feeling. I am always so grateful for reminders like that. I need to always be so grateful for all I have. Families like Clara's give so much inspiration to others. I will pray for Clara and her mom, cause I am just crying thinking about what she is dealing with. We need to get together soon. I miss you guys
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